Intimacy Coordinator

Intimacy Coordinator


I create a safe environment with the goal of blending the actor’s emotional and physical boundaries harmoniously with the Director's vision and ideas.
In a department where individuality, autonomy and trust are key factors to take into account, I work by creating a deep analysis of the needs of performers and colleagues on set, catering with specificity in the collaboration, since no two productions are alike.
I believe in providing myself as a trustworthy source for the performers needs, so as to clarify, respect and empower boundaries and consent, all while proving the beauty and impact choreographed intimate scenes can offer to the viewers emotional experience.



The Stranger Within
SAE München

Reg: Ruan Martins

Tell Me What You Want
Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg

Reg: Lea Thurner

Prod: Caroline Klatt
Prod: Begum Bakirci

Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg

Reg: Alexandra Konst

Prod: Clemens Szczesny
Prod: Soraya Szendi

Haus am Hang
Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg

Reg: Konstantin Münzel

Prod: Bianca Beer
Prod: Helena Zeppenfeldt

Die lauteste Zeit
Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg

Reg: Lea Marie Lembke

Prod: Nikola Scharl
Prod: Soraya Szendi


SAE München

Reg: Annalisa Urban
Itimacy Consulting

Specialist Workshops

  • Mental Health First Aid
  • Anti-Racism/ Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Allyship and Advocacy
  • Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation
  • Anti-Harassment/ Anti-Sexual Harassment
  • Mediation or Conflict Resolution
  • Bystander Intervention